Teaching Assistant Pathways

Kindergarten teacher working with students.

Achieve Your Dream Of Teaching

Teaching assistants provide the extra support students and classroom teachers need to be successful. You'll be there to provide one-on-one attention, help with special projects and explore new topics with students. 

A career in education is not only creative and meaningful; it is also full of growth potential and many different paths you can take. 

You can pursue the pathway to become a Teaching Assistant without having to enroll in a program! Mercy University can guide you. If you have any questions after reviewing the requirements below, please feel free to reach out to us at: certifi@mercy.edu.

What does a teaching assistant do?

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Work with individual pupils or groups of pupils on special instructional projects


Assist pupils in the use of available instructional resources, and assisting in the development of instructional materials


Utilize your own special skills and abilities by assisting in instructional programs in such areas as:  foreign languages, arts, crafts, music and similar subjects

Teaching Levels

Teaching Assistant Certificates

There are four levels of Teaching Assistant in NY State: Level I, Level II, Level III and Pre-Professional. 

As you gain certification and experience you will be able to apply for higher level certificates. Each certificate builds on the previous one and will help you advance your career and reach your goals. 

Please see below for specific details on how to qualify for each certificate level. 

Don't Forget to Apply for Your Certificate

Once you have completed all your requirements, go to the NYSED website to submit all of your materials

TA Requirements by Level

Please see below for specific requirements for each TA Certificate level in New York State. 

This certificate is your first step to becoming a teaching assistant. With your Level I certificate you will be able to assist in classrooms under the supervision of a licensed or certified teacher.

This certificate is valid for three years.

You may also renew a Level I certificate once if you do not complete your TA classroom experience or do not meet the coursework requirements for a Level II certificate. 

In order to be certified as a Level I teaching assistant you will need to meet the requirements below: 

Required Workshops

These are available to be taken through Mercy University. 

DASA Workshop
Child Abuse Identification Workshop
School Violence Workshop

General Requirements

Education High School Diploma, GED or HSE
Fingerprint Clearance Fingerprint clearance is required. Detailed information regarding the fingerprinting process can be found on the Office of School Personnel Review and Accountability (OSPRA) Web site

Exam Requirements

For certification candidates need to take the New York State Teacher Certification Exam – ATAS [The New York State Assessment of Teaching Assistant Skills test. The consists of multiple-choice questions. Candidates for certification as a Level I, II, III or Pre-Professional teaching assistant must achieve a qualifying score on this test. The test assesses the knowledge and skills of teaching assistant candidates in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, and instructional support. For more information or to register for the ATAS exam, click here.

If you were unable to complete one year of Teaching Assistant experience under your Level I certificate OR you do not meet the University coursework requirement for the Level II, you may be eligible for the Level I Renewal. You may only renew your Level I certificate once.

For a renewal, you need a school district recommendation:

For the Supplementary, Teaching Assistant Level 1 Renewal, Adult Education, and coaching certificates, this refers to a statement submitted by a New York State public school district, BOCES, nonpublic or charter school online through TEACH that describes the terms of the applicant's employment.

For the Transitional A, G, and J certificates, this refers to a statement submitted by a New York State public school district, or BOCES online through TEACH that describes the terms of the applicant's employment.

Prerequisite: You must currently hold or have held a Level I Certificate in order to apply for a LEVEL I renewal.

This is the second-level certificate, is designed for students with experience in the classroom and is your next step on the way to your Level III certificate. With your experience and additional college courses you will be able to provide additional support to your supervising licensed or certified teacher. 

The Level II certificate is valid for three years and is not renewable. 

Prerequisite: You must currently hold or have held a Level I Certificate in order to earn a Level II certificate.

Some additional requirements for earning this certificate include: 

  • 9 semester hours of college course work – Email us at certifi@mercy.edu for more details

  • One year of paid, full-time work experience in a New York State public school as a teaching assistant while holding a teaching assistant certificate or as a classroom teacher under a classroom teaching certificate.​

​If you do already satisfy the requirements for a Level III, you can skip this certificate level. 

The Level III certificate is for those students who have at least one year of experience teaching a classroom as well as college course credits. This third-level certificate continues to allow you to assist students in a classroom and is continuously valid. 

For this certificate to stay active CTLE hours are completed every 5 years.

Prerequisite: You must currently hold or have held a Level I Certificate in order to earn a Level III certificate.

Please see below for what is required to receive the Level III Certificate:

  • Students must hold at least a Level I Teaching Assistant certificate
  • 18 semester hours of college course work – Email us at certifi@mercy.edu for more details

  • One year of paid, full-time work experience in a New York State public school as a teaching assistant while holding a teaching assistant certificate or as a classroom teacher under a classroom teaching certificate.

  • Complete 100 hours of CTLE every five years.

Citizenship Status - INS Permanent Residence or U.S. Citizenship

INS Permanent Residence or US Citizenship: New York Education Law permits individuals with United States Citizenship, Permanent Resident status or a valid DACA or similar relief from deportation status, to qualify for a Permanent, Professional or Teaching Assistant Level III certificate.

To verify your Permanent Residence status, submit ONE of the following with your application:

A photocopy of your Permanent Resident Card ("Green Card") showing the front and back of the card
A photocopy of your United States Passport
A certified and sealed copy of a letter from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) verifying your Permanent Residence or United States Citizenship
A copy of a document that verifies your DACA or similar relief from deportation status. An example would be your Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card as issued by USCIS.

The Pre-Professional Teaching Assistant certificate is designed for those who are currently in  a  teacher preparation program. This certificate will allow you to continue to gain hands on experience in a classroom while pursing your teaching degree.

The pre-professional is valid for five years and can be renewed with an additional 30 semester hours in a teacher preparation program.

Prerequisite: You must currently hold or have held a Level I Certificate in order to earn a Pre-Professional certificate.

Requirements for earning the certificate are included below: 

  • You must currently hold or have held at least a Level I Teaching Assistant certificate
  • Enrollment in a teacher preparation program.

    • Apply here for Mercy University’s School of Education. 

      • A letter must be submitted on your behalf, by the Registrar, head of the Education Department, or the Certification Officer of a NYS college/university. This letter can be mailed, or scanned into PDF format and emailed to tcert@nysed.gov. The letter must verify:

        • The applicant’s full name – as it appears in TEACH, and either their date of birth or the last four digits of their SSN.

        • The applicant’s current enrollment in an approved teacher preparation program at their institution.

        • The name of the degree program and the teacher certification to which it leads (e.g., - Childhood Education – Grades 1-6 – Initial certificate).

  • 18 semester hours of college course work – Email us at certifi@mercy.edu for more details

  • One year of paid, full-time work experience in a New York State public school as a teaching assistant while holding a teaching assistant certificate or as a classroom teacher under a classroom teaching certificate.


Man writing at desk

Learn More About CERTIFi by Mercy University

CERTIFi by Mercy University is designed for learners like you. Whether you have a college degree, want to further your career without one, or are looking to advance your skills and gain credentials vital in today’s workforce, CERTIFi has a program that can help you get moving. 

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