CERTIFi by Mercy College Adult Education

Social Impact & Non-Profit


If you're interested in learning about social impact and nonprofit management, various online and offline courses can provide you with valuable insights and skills. Here are some areas you might consider exploring:

This is just a sample of the course offerings.  For the complete list of CERTIFi by Mercy University courses, go to Explore Courses.  

CERTIFi by Mercy College Adult Education

Nonprofit Board and Volunteer Development

Volunteers are the lifeblood of most nonprofit organizations. And board members are a special type of volunteer, helping to guide the direction of a nonprofit, promote the organization in the community, and ensure that the nonprofit's mission is fulfilled. Learning how best to manage the board and other volunteers is a critical part of nonprofit management. This course covers the fundamentals of board and volunteer development as well as recruiting, effective communication, and retention.


Learn Something New!
CERTIFi by Mercy College Adult Education

Volunteering and Professional Internships

You want to make a difference. Have an impact. You’re looking for a community that shares your purpose, passion, and sense of adventure. Welcome to GVI Planet.

Travel with GVI to some of the earth’s most extraordinary and vulnerable habitats and work to find sustainable solutions that will change the world for good.


Make a Difference
CERTIFi by Mercy College Adult Education

Fundraising for Nonprofit Organizations

Fundraising is one of the central activities of a nonprofit organization and nonprofit management. To help finance operating budgets, nonprofits must raise money every year. In addition, special projects and improvements to facilities may be needed. In these situations, fundraisers will often launch large capital campaigns or apply for foundation grants. This course offers an introduction to fundraising for nonprofit organizations, with an emphasis on the fundamental issues.

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