
  • 4 hours
  • $200.00
  • Online - Self Paced
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This course is offered in partnership with Workplaceless a global leader in remote work training.


For executives, leaders and change agents responsible for enabling remote work in their organization, Goplaceless® presents the principles of effective remote work and provides frameworks to build commitment to a shared vision, identify remote needs specific to their organization, and outline a remote action plan.

This course applies to the following certifications:

lady on zoom call with spreadhseets in front of her

The Goplaceless program includes:

60-minute self-paced eCourse on the Remote Success Framework, based on three pillars:

  • Mindset
  • Infrastructure
  • Capability
man on laptop and phone at same time

Unlock Digital Workplace Productivity

Reverse ineffective remote and hybrid work practices through a program designed to develop common language and expectations geared to enhancing digital-first team performance.

group looking at laptop

Rapidly Define Your Remote Vision

A highly efficient approach to align executives and change management teams on the vision for your digital workplace transformation.

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