Distributed Workforce Management Certification

  • 3 months
  • $2000.00
  • Online - Self Paced
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COVID-19 and the global pandemic have fundamentally changed how the world works. Working remotely is no longer a novel or short-term phenomenon. Now that the pandemic has subsided, remote workers in large numbers have decided to remain working remotely. Successfully managing a remote workforce, however, requires a whole new playbook, and in this Mercy University certificate program, we're going to help you build just such a playbook. 

Distributed Workforce Management Courses



Managing Successful Remote Work Environments

Learn the importance of teams and defined the successes and challenges associated with remote team structures.

Creating and Leading High-Performing Virtual Teams

Learn tactics for advancing remote collaboration and teamwork. Areas to be addressed include setting expectations between the leader and their follower, defining different leadership styles in remote teams.

Building Sustainable, Remote Friendly Cultures

Learn how to build sustainable remote friendly cultures. Also learn about team working agreements and craft the beginnings of one to enhance the interactions and culture of your remote team.


Dr. Scott Christman has led remote teams for decades, first as a front-line manager and later as an executive leader. Dr. Christman is responsible for writing the curriculum and will instruct the three asynchronous courses (Managing Successful Remote Work Environments) for Certifi by Mercy University.

Dr. Christman wrote his doctoral study on the enhancement of virtual sales teams. Dr. Christman has experience teaching remote business certificate and university MBA students in leadership. He is currently an adjunct instructor teaching MBA students leadership and management at Washington University of Science and Technology.

Registering for this Certificate will automatically enroll you in the following courses:

Building Sustainable, Remote-Friendly Cultures, Managing Successful Remote Work Environments, and Creating and Leading High-Performing Virtual Teams


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