Creating and Leading High-Performing Virtual Teams
- 1 month
- $695.00
- Online - Self Paced
This course is offered in partnership with Ed2Go a leading online continuing education provider, reaching lifelong learners in 50 states and more than 16 countries.

Topics Covered
We'll help you build the skills you need to succeed in this growing field.
- Why it is more challenging to lead hybrid and fully remote teams versus co-located team structures
Why accountability is the number one factor in determining the level of success between the leader and their followers, as well as between followers
How fully remote and hybrid leaders encourage their followers to collaborate
Why one leadership style is more effective in hybrid and fully remote teams
Why ongoing training and development are vital to performance in remote team structures
How to stand out as a remote worker without a physical workplace
How to create an action plan to enhance the motivation and productivity of your remote team

Required materials
This course has one required text that you need to purchase:
- Harvard Business Review (2021). HBR Guide to Remote Work. Harvard Business Review Press.
- The book can be purchased on for less than $10.

Prerequisites and requirements
- This course has no prerequisites other than an interest in enhancing the productivity of your remote team. The courses in this certificate program can be taken in any order.
- Successfully navigating this course will require a computer with a high-speed Internet connection, basic digital literacy.
- To successfully complete this course you will need to earn at least a 75% grade. See the various assignment rubrics for evaluation details and the syllabus for final grade contributions.
- To earn the Remote Work Force Management program certificate, you will need to successfully complete all three courses.